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ALE Dual channel 40 Gigabit optical transceiver (QSFP+). Supports multimode fiber with duplex LC connector. Supports link lengths up to 100 meters on OM3 MMF or 150 meters on OM4 MMF.

Etusivu ALE Network ALE Dual channel 40 Gigabit optical transceiver (QSFP+). Supports multimode fiber with duplex LC connector. Supports link lengths up to 100 meters on OM3 MMF or 150 meters on OM4 MMF.
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ALE Dual channel 40 Gigabit optical transceiver (QSFP+). Supports multimode fiber with duplex LC connector. Supports link lengths up to 100 meters on OM3 MMF or 150 meters on OM4 MMF.

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