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ALE OS6900-X48C4E: 1RU chassis, MACSec on all ports with 40 1/10GE SFP+, 8 10/25GE SFP28 and 4 100G QSFP28 ports. QSFP28 ports operate as 100GE/40GE/4x25GE/4x10GE. Front to back cooling, includes dual

Etusivu ALE Network ALE OS6900-X48C4E: 1RU chassis, MACSec on all ports with 40 1/10GE SFP+, 8 10/25GE SFP28 and 4 100G QSFP28 ports. QSFP28 ports operate as 100GE/40GE/4x25GE/4x10GE. Front to back cooling, includes dual
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ALE OS6900-X48C4E: 1RU chassis, MACSec on all ports with 40 1/10GE SFP+, 8 10/25GE SFP28 and 4 100G QSFP28 ports. QSFP28 ports operate as 100GE/40GE/4x25GE/4x10GE. Front to back cooling, includes dual

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