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ALE OS9900 10-Gigabit network interface card offers 12 unpopulated SFP+ 1/10 GbE ports and 12 10G-Base-T ports and two 40G QSFP+ ports. This card is MPLS ready, has MACsec, and provides large table supp

Etusivu ALE Network ALE OS9900 10-Gigabit network interface card offers 12 unpopulated SFP+ 1/10 GbE ports and 12 10G-Base-T ports and two 40G QSFP+ ports. This card is MPLS ready, has MACsec, and provides large table supp
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ALE OS9900 10-Gigabit network interface card offers 12 unpopulated SFP+ 1/10 GbE ports and 12 10G-Base-T ports and two 40G QSFP+ ports. This card is MPLS ready, has MACsec, and provides large table supp

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